function H=haarmtx(n) % HAARMTX Compute Haar orthogonal transform matrix. % % H = HAARMTX(N) returns the N-by-N HAAR transform matrix. H*A % is the HAAR transformation of the columns of A and H'*A is the inverse % transformation of the columns of A (when A is N-by-N). % If A is square, the two-dimensional Haar transformation of A can be computed % as H*A*H'. This computation is sometimes faster than using % DCT2, especially if you are computing large number of small % Haar transformation, because H needs to be determined only once. % % Class Support % ------------- % N is an integer scalar of class double. H is returned % as a matrix of class double. % % % I/O Spec % N - input must be double % D - output DCT transform matrix is double % % Author : Frederic Chanal ( - 2004 a=1/sqrt(n); for i=1:n H(1,i)=a; end for k=1:n-1 p=fix(log2(k)); q=k-2^p+1; t1=n/2^p; sup=fix(q*t1); mid=fix(sup-t1/2); inft=fix(sup-t1); t2=2^(p/2)*a; for j=1:inft H(k+1,j)=0; end for j=inft+1:mid H(k+1,j)=t2; end for j=mid+1:sup H(k+1,j)=-t2; end for j=sup+1:n H(k+1,j)=0; end end