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Throughout this one-month intensive course, students will complete a self-defined project that makes use of computational neuroscience and functional neuroimaging techniques. Students will be required to independently follow a selection of training modules among the following topics: python for data analysis, basics of machine learning, project management, high performance computing, open data, script writing in python, introduction to deep learning, deep learning for neuroimaging, functional connectivity in fMRI, functional parcellations in fMRI, the Brain Imaging Data Structure (BIDS) ecosystem, DataLad for reproducible research data management, data visualisation, python packaging, testing and continuous integration, containers. Supervision and support for the student are offered by a team of specialists. Note : Le cours commence au début de la session d'été court et dure 4 semaines (intensif) à temps plein. Un ordinateur portatif est fortement recommandé.
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