function [ngen,iseed]=mctrk(myNode,bc,alb,ngen,iseed,xyzl,varargin) % Random walk of a single particle from source to death. % function [ngen,iseed]=mctrk(myNode,bc,alb,ngen,iseed,xyzl,varargin) % (c) 2008 Alain Hebert, Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal length=0.0 ; active=true ; idso=0 ; nreg=size(myNode,2) ; ng=size(myNode(1).sigt,2) ; nfiss=size(myNode(1).nusigf,1) ; %---- % set the initial energy and direction of the particle %---- if ngen.mix == 0 ig=1 ; else [iseed,rand]=randf(iseed) ; xprob=0.0 ; ig=0 ; while (rand >= xprob) && (ig < ng) ig=ig+1 ; xprob=xprob+myNode(ngen.mix).chi(ngen.isonbr,ig) ; end end xsm=0.0 ; for ireg=1:nreg xsm=max(xsm,myNode(ireg).sigt(ig)) ; end [iseed,rand]=randf(iseed) ; mu=2.0*rand-1.0 ; mus=sqrt(1.0-mu*mu) ; [iseed,rand]=randf(iseed) ; phi=2.0*pi*rand ; vdir=[mus*cos(phi),mus*sin(phi),mu] ; %---- % random walk of the particle %---- while active if idso == 0 [iseed,rand]=randf(iseed) ; length=-log(rand)/xsm ; end [ngen.pos,ireg,length,idso]=mctptr(length,vdir,ngen.pos,xyzl,varargin{:}) ; if ireg > 0 % detect if an interaction is a virtual or a real collision ngen.mix=ireg ; [iseed,rand]=randf(iseed) ; virtual=rand <= ((xsm-myNode(ireg).sigt(ig))/xsm) ; if ~virtual % determine the type of reaction [iseed,rand]=randf(iseed) ; sigs0=sum(myNode(ireg).sigs(1:ng,ig)) ; pscat=sigs0/myNode(ireg).sigt(ig) ; pn2n=myNode(ireg).sn2n(ig)/myNode(ireg).sigt(ig) ; if rand <= pscat+pn2n % isotropic scattering or (n,2n) event if rand > pscat, =2.0* ; end [iseed,rand]=randf(iseed) ; xx=0.0 ; igroup=ng ; while (rand >= xx) && (igroup >= 1) xx=xx+myNode(ireg).sigs(igroup,ig)/sigs0 ; igroup=igroup-1 ; end ig=igroup+1 ; active=true ; xsm=0.0 ; for ireg=1:nreg xsm=max(xsm,myNode(ireg).sigt(ig)) ; end else % capture or fission event active=false ; nusigf0=sum(myNode(ireg).nusigf(1:nfiss,ig)) ; if nusigf0 > 0.0 && nfiss == 1*myNode(ireg).nusigf(1,ig)/(myNode(ireg).sigt(ig)- ... sigs0-myNode(ireg).sn2n(ig)) ; ngen.isonbr =1 ; elseif nusigf0 > 0.0 [iseed,rand]=randf(iseed) ; xprob=0.0 ; ngen.isonbr=0 ; while (rand >= xprob) && (ngen.isonbr < nfiss) ngen.isonbr=ngen.isonbr+1 ; xprob=xprob+myNode(ireg).nusigf(ngen.isonbr,ig)/nusigf0 ; end*myNode(ireg).nusigf(iso,ig)/(myNode(ireg).sigt(ig)- ... sigs0-myNode(ireg).sn2n(ig)) ; else =0.0 ; ngen.isonbr =0 ; end end if active [iseed,rand]=randf(iseed) ; mu=2.0*rand-1.0 ; mus=sqrt(1.0-mu*mu) ; [iseed,rand]=randf(iseed) ; phi=2.0*pi*rand ; vdir=[mus*cos(phi),mus*sin(phi),mu] ; end end else ids=abs(idso) ; ngen.mix=0 ; switch bc case {'refl'} % reflective boundary conditions vdir(ids)=-vdir(ids) ; case {'void'} active=false ; =0.0 ; ngen.isonbr =0 ; case {'tran'} % periodic boundary conditions if idso > 0 ngen.pos(ids)=ngen.pos(ids)-(xyzl(2,ids)-xyzl(1,ids)) ; else ngen.pos(ids)=ngen.pos(ids)+(xyzl(2,ids)-xyzl(1,ids)) ; end case {'albe'} if alb == 0.0 active=false ; =0.0 ; ngen.isonbr =0 ; else [iseed,rand]=randf(iseed) ; active=(rand <= alb) ; if active % for isotropic bc, choose randomly the reentering direction indos=[ 2 3 1 ; 3 1 2 ] ; [iseed,rand]=randf(iseed) ; mu=2.0*rand-1.0 ; mus=sqrt(1.0-mu*mu) ; [iseed,rand]=randf(iseed) ; phi=pi*rand ; vdir(ids)=-sign(idso)*mus*sin(phi) ; vdir(indos(1,ids))=mus*cos(phi) ; vdir(indos(2,ids))=mu ; for idim=1:size(xyzl,2) if idim ~= ids [iseed,rand]=randf(iseed) ; ngen.pos(idim)=xyzl(1,idim)+rand*(xyzl(2,idim)-xyzl(1,idim)) ; end end idso=0 ; else =0.0 ; ngen.isonbr =0 ; end end otherwise error('unknown type of boundary condition') end end end