function [x, error, iter] = livolant(x, b, atv, errtol, maxit, varargin) % Livolant-accelerated linear equation solver % function [x, error, total_iters] = livolant(x0, b, atv, errtol, maxit, varargin) % input parameters: % x initial estimate % b right hand side % atv character name of a matrix-vector product routine returning x+M(b-Ax) % when x is input. The format for atv is "function x = atv(x,b,p1,p2,...)" % where p1 and p2 are optional parameters % errtol relative residual reduction factor % maxit maximum number of iterations % varargin optional parameters (p1,p2,...) for atv % output parameters: % x solution of the linear system % error vector of residual norms for the history of the iteration % iter number of iterations % (c) 2007 Alain Hebert, Polytechnique Montreal icl1=3; icl2=3; n=length(b); errtol=errtol*norm(b); rho=Inf; error=[ ]; old2=zeros(n); iter=0; while((rho > errtol) && (iter < maxit)) iter=iter+1; old1=old2; old2=x; r=feval(atv,x,b,varargin{:})-x; rho=norm(r); error=[error;rho]; x=x+r; if mod(iter-1,icl1+icl2) >= icl1 r1=old2-old1; r2=x-old2; dmu=-sum(r1.*(r2-r1))/sum((r2-r1).*(r2-r1)); if dmu > 0 x=old2+dmu.*r2; old2=old1+dmu.*r1; end end end