Last Class

Last Class

by Bentley Oakes -
Number of replies: 0

Hi all,

The time has come for the last class of the semester tomorrow. There will be the final eight presentations.

As well, take note that the peer review of the proposal is also due at midnight. Thanks to all those who completed it earlier.

And the talk summary is also due at midnight. I've received questions about how to report the industry presentation and the research keynote from Benoit, as these are not typical presentations for paper like in a conference. That's fine. Just adjust the summary (such as the research question and results) to the presentation. The important thing is that you practice your summarization of the talk, such that someone else could read about what the material was and how it was given.

For the marking of all the deliverables, this will be my top priority next week to get the grades in.

Finally, another important point is the course evaluations. Please fill these in. It's very important to the department and me personally. I'll try to leave time during the break tomorrow for these.

Thanks so much,
