Course Evaluation, Student Presentations, Benoit Baudry Seminar

Course Evaluation, Student Presentations, Benoit Baudry Seminar

by Bentley Oakes -
Number of replies: 0

Hi all,

The second to last lecture of the course is tomorrow.

First, I want to take this opportunity to remind you about the course evaluations, which are open until April 18th. They can be accessed through your Moodle portal, where there should be a small ad at the top of the page for it. I want to encourage you to fill this out for the course. It's important for me to get feedback, and for the department to evaluate my teaching abilities. Please fill it out, and I appreciate all your comments.

Note that the course is technically split into the lectures (marked with a C) and the lab sessions (marked with an L). For the purposes of this evaluation, it would be best to consider the student presentations as the lab sessions, as that is the practical skills part of the course.

Tomorrow we'll have four presentations, and then Prof. Benoit Baudry will join us in the second half of the class. The abstract is below.

See you tomorrow!


Titre: Diversité logicielle pour la fiabilité et la sécurité / Software diversity for reliability and security

J'explore le concept de diversité logicielle. Nous examinons d’abord comment le concept a évolué à partir de la conception en version N pour aborder la randomisation de la disposition de l’espace. Ensuite, nous examinons deux travaux récents dans lesquels nous synthétisons la diversité dans les binaires Webassembly et dans lesquels nous exploitons la diversité dans les clients blockchain Ethereum.

I explore the concept of software diversity. We first look at how the concept evolved from N-version design to address space layout randomization. Then, we look at two recent works where we synthesize diversity in Webassembly binaries and where we harness diversity in Ethereum blockchain clients.

Benoit Baudry est professeur en génie logiciel à l'Université de Montréal. Ses recherches portent sur le génie logiciel automatisé, la diversité logicielle et les tests logiciels. Il contribue à l'art et à l'humour et privilégie l'exécution de code plutôt que le code sur disque. Il a obtenu son doctorat en 2003 à l'Université de Rennes, France. Il a été chercheur à l'INRIA (France) de 2004 à 2017, et professeur au KTH Royal Institute of Technology (Suède) de 2017 à 2023.

Benoit Baudry is a Professor in Software Engineering at the Université de Montréal. His research focuses on automated software engineering, software diversity and software testing. He contributes to art and humor and he favors code execution over code on disk. He received his PhD in 2003 from the University of Rennes, France. He was a research scientist at INRIA (France) from 2004 to 2017, and a Professor at the KTH Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden) from 2017 to 2023.