Reminder - Guest Lecture Summary Deliverable

Reminder - Guest Lecture Summary Deliverable

by Bentley Oakes -
Number of replies: 0

Hi all,

My apologies for the extra email.

I just wanted to remind you that there's the guest lecture summary which is a deliverable for the course. There's only today's guest speaker and one on April 4th, so it might be best to write it today if possible.

The format is available at this link, on the left under talk-summary.tex. I'm expecting at least one full page of summary. The intention is that someone can read the summary and understand the research and the style of the presenter. The due date is April 11th, but feel free to submit it early.

Today's talk is more industry-focused, so it's true there might not be a 'research problem'. But there is instead a 'business problem' that the company is trying to solve, and the "problem, approach, results" structure still works.

Please let me know if there are any questions or comments.

