Lecture 7 - Productivity and Guest Speaker Amine Mhedhbi

Lecture 7 - Productivity and Guest Speaker Amine Mhedhbi

by Bentley Oakes -
Number of replies: 0

Hi all,

I hope you're all doing well. Some important announcements below.

First, I've extended the research proposal deadline to March 14th at 23:59, based on some feedback I received. Hopefully you can use the extra time to develop it further. The peer review deadline will remain April 11th.

Second, for this week's class, I'll take the first half to talk about productivity. That is, how to move forward with projects. The second half of the class will be a guest lecture from Amine Mhedhbi, a fellow professor in the department. His lecture is titled: 'Query Evaluation on Highly Connected Datasets'.

Third, there is a deliverable in this class for the summary of a talk. Due on April 11th, it's is a summary of one of the talks in the class, at least one full page. The template is available here, and will be evaluated on how detailed the summary is. There are three talks scheduled this term, Feb 29th, March 21st, and April 4th.

Fourth, the presentations are coming up in class, starting on March 14th. Your presentation PDF is due at 09:00 on the day of your presentation, to be submitted on Moodle. I'll collect them together, and then you can use your own computer to present or you can show the PDF on my computer.

Please let me know if you have any questions or comments.

