Lecture 4

Lecture 4

by Bentley Oakes -
Number of replies: 0

Hi everyone,

I hope that things are well.

1. First, as I mentioned in-person, I will cancel the Feb 22nd class. This is because there will be a half-day SEMTL workshop happening at that moment at Concordia. This workshop brings together the software engineering researchers in Montreal for presentations and discussions.

This workshop is optional, but I encourage you to attend. It will be somewhat like a conference atmosphere, so it would be good for you to have that experience.

Please see the details here: https://semtl.github.io/meeting/2024/01/25/Concordia/ Note that you'll have to RSVP on the spreadsheet. Note that the seminar summary you will have to do can be written about the keynote speaker at this event.

2. Second, I've moved the review peer-review a week later, to Feb 22nd. I want to provide lots of time to reflect on each review and grade it fairly.

3. On Thursday (Feb 1st), we'll have a very important class on writing papers and proposals. Note that you'll have a proposal deliverable due on Feb 29th, so we will talk about what needed for that.

4. About the class participation, I was hoping that there would be more discussion and postings on Moodle. Could I encourage you again to do so? Also, could I ask everyone to assign a profile picture to their Moodle account? This will also help me when assigning class participation marks to link the name and the face.

Thanks so much. I appreciate your enthusiasm and questions in class. If you have any other questions or comments, don't hesitate to email me or post a discussion.

