Lecture 3 and deliverables

Lecture 3 and deliverables

by Bentley Oakes -
Number of replies: 0

Hello everyone,

Just as a reminder that the Google form and the spreadsheet are due tomorrow (Thursday) at 23:59. Please let me know if you are having trouble filling them out. Also note that I've added April 11th as another student presentation day, so feel free to switch around as you need.

Tomorrow will be our discussion on reviewing papers. Learning to properly review a paper is a critical aspect of learning to write them. I'll go over the process and some principles. I'll also share one of the reviews I've received. The slides are available on Moodle.

One important aspect of tomorrow's class is that I'll talk about the review that is a deliverable. We'll talk about the structure of the review and the expectations.

See you tomorrow!
