Lecture 2 and deliverables

Lecture 2 and deliverables

by Bentley Oakes -
Number of replies: 0

Hello everyone,

I'm looking forward to seeing you in class tomorrow. We'll be talking about reading papers, such as the different types, the structure of a paper, and some strategies for reading it. The slides are available on Moodle as well.

For tomorrow, you may want to have a PDF of a paper you want to read open on a device of yours. Then we can discuss the structure of a paper with an example relevant to you.

Tomorrow at 23:59 is the deadline for the Google form: https://forms.gle/Lmjczvbk1KXF1uCE7  As I mentioned before, don't worry about finding the absolute top papers of the domain. The purpose is for you to think about your domain and what some papers are that you should know about.

Also as a deliverable for Jan 25th at 23:59 is the sign up for a presentation: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1mBejKlVIp8s-vybTJDy9q1PFmuAXBNC-hlp5Y4iPHF4/edit?usp=sharing Your presentation should be on one of the papers you mention on the Google form. However, it's fine if you need to switch this paper later. Just send me an email explaining why it's a better choice.

Please let me know if you have any comments or questions, either on the discussion forum or in an email.

See you tomorrow!
