INF6900AE/INF7900E Welcome!

INF6900AE/INF7900E Welcome!

by Bentley Oakes -
Number of replies: 0

Hello all,

Welcome to the INF6900AE/INF7900E course on scientific and technical communication! I'm very excited to be leading this course, which will focus on improving our abilities to read, review, critique, and publish papers, write and critique proposals, and summarize presentations (among other topics).

Our first lecture will be tomorrow. The course is held in Room M-2103, and will continue each Thursday at 10:30 to 12:30.

I've posted a preliminary syllabus here on Moodle. It has the schedule for the course and an indication of the deliverables you'll produce during the term.

If you have any questions at all, please feel free to post them here, or to send me an email (

I look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow. We'll review the syllabus together, discuss our backgrounds and experiences, and discuss the importance of scientific and technical communication and how to leads to our success as researchers. 



(sorry if you received a duplicate email)