Enrolment options

Notions of learning and teaching. Philosophy of teaching. Notion of competence. CEAB attributes. Program approach. Pedagogical, learning, and didactic relations. Basic principles of scholastic motivation. Bloom's taxonomy. Lesson structure. Pedagogical alignment. Criteria for evaluation of teaching. Prior knowledge. Diagnostic evaluation. Zone of proximal development. Learning target. Dividing a course into stages. Basic principles of learning assessment. Examples of concept transposition for teaching engineering. Building awareness of active teaching: flipped classrooms, on-line courses, project courses, problem- and project-based approach.


Workshop plan

Course 1 - What is teaching? What is learning? (3 h.)
Presentation and course outline. Activity: a competent teacher. Teaching Engineering. Speaker or magister? Activity: theories of learning. Concept of competence and attributes of the CEAB (Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board).
Course 2 - Pedagogical Alignment (3 h.)
Program approach. Pedagogical triangle. Bloom's Taxonomy. Activity: formulation of a learning objective. Pedagogical Alignment. Activity: typical structure of a lesson.
Course 3 - Structure of a lesson (3 h.)
Lesson plan. Tips to promote the optimal delivery of a lesson. Teaching Evaluation Criteria. Pedagogical approaches favouring the active participation of students.
Course 4 - Structure of a course (3 h.)
Barriers to learning. Role of prior knowledge. Proximal area of development. Learning target and final test. Splitting a course into steps.
Course 5 - Introduction to various active learning methods (3 h.)
Basic principles for assessment. Flipped classroom. Online course. Problem and project based approaches.
Assignments and evaluation
Reflection on the skills required for an engineering teacher (10%)
Planning a one-hour lecture (15%)
Delivery and critical analysis of a one-hour lecture 1 Individual (35%)
Presence and participation (40%)
Grading is of the "pass" or "fail" type. Attendance to all sessions of the workshop is mandatory.

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