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"Neuroprosthetics" is a summer school at the intersection of neuroscience, engineering, AI and medicine. The event will include presentations from international researchers, industry professionals and trainees, panel discussions, as well as several other educational activities activated on the design, research and commercialization of neural interfaces. . The summer school is composed of an intensive 5-day program with additional didactic activities in the previous and following weeks. Participants will study the design of electronic interfaces to the nervous system, with a focus on the following topics: neuroprosthetic applications for sensory restoration and motor rehabilitation, neural interfaces supporting autonomic system and cognitive function, trade-off invasiveness-efficacy for targeting the brain, spinal cord and peripheral nerves, spatio-temporal and patterned neuromodulation (design, characterization and optimization), adaptive, predictive and self-optimizing medical technologies, regulatory affairs, neurotechnology industry profiles and business model development. Across the lectures and educational activities, the participants will examine the translational process of neuroengineering, from discovery, through preclinical studies in animal models to clinical applications and perspectives.
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